Saturday, 19 December 2009

Nacht der Untoten (Night of the Living Dead)

So, Chung Yu was telling me about how awesome it would be if Infinity Ward combines the gameplay of Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty. Then, I just realised that Call of Duty 5 has a mission so called the Nacth der Untoten which means the night of the undead. Apparently, it is a zombie mode survival mission.

I don't know why but I don't dare to play in that mission. The Nazi zombies are more creepy than those in Left 4 Dead although they are slow. Seriously, I have a list of missions which I could not go through as I don't dare to play those missions. I'm coward. Here they are.

List of missions which I'll never play:
1. Call of Duty 5 - Nacht der Untoten (I hate Nazi Zombies)
2. Arkham Asylum - Morgue Scarecrow Section (Got shocked by the Scarecrow and I don't like to play in mortuary)
3. Left 4 Dead - No Mercy (The whole mission is so dark)
4. Borderlands - Dahl Headland (I hate Scythids)

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